How to: Collect articles’ based on year

Publication date of an article is another search field available with Arcas. Consider an example whereas we are interested in articles that have been published on a specific year.

Let us assume that we are interested in the first article that will is returned by Plos that has been publish in 1993:

>>> import arcas
>>> api =  arcas.Plos()

Now all that is needed to specify in the parameters that we want year=1993:

>>> parameters = api.parameters_fix(year=1993)
>>> url = api.create_url_search(parameters)

The url can be used to retrieve the response which is then passed to a data frame:

>>> request = api.make_request(url)
>>> root = api.get_root(request)
>>> raw_article = api.parse(root)
>>> article = api.to_dataframe(raw_article[0])

The same example can be used to collect the article using the command line:

$ arcas_scrape -p plos -y 1993