Results set

Each response of the API returns a list of metadata for a given article. This list differs for each API. Arcas is designed to return a similar set of metadata for any given API. Thus the json results of Arcas has the following list of metadata:

  • key
    • A generated key containing an authors name and publication year (e.g. Glynatsi2017)
  • unique_key
    • A unique key generated using the hashlib python library. The hashable string is created by: [author name, title, year,abstract]
  • title
    • Title of article
  • author
    • A single entity of an author from the list of authors of the respective article
  • abstract
    • The abstract of the article
  • date
    • Date of publication
  • doi
    • Article’s doi
  • url
    • Article’s url
  • journal
    • Journal of publication
  • pages
    • Pages of publication
  • key_word
    • A single entity of a keyword assigned to the article by the given journal
  • provenance
    • Scholarly database for where the article was collected
  • category
    • A list of subjects given to the article by the authors
  • score
    • Score given to article by the given journal
  • open_access
    • A boolean describing whether the article is open access or not

Note that if a specific result is not available by an API, not because is missing but because is not implemented, Arcas returns 'Not available' for the value of that column.