Tutorial II: Retrieve an article from various APIsΒΆ

In this tutorial we are aiming to make a similar query, to that in tutorial I, from different APIs.

To achieve that we will use a for loop, to loop over a list of given APIs classes. For each instance then repeat the following procedure:

>>>  for p in [arcas.Ieee, arcas.Plos, arcas.Arxiv, arcas.Springer, arcas.Nature]:

...      api = p()
...      parameters = api.parameters_fix(title='Game', abstract='Game', records=1)
...      url = api.create_url_search(parameters)
...      request = api.make_request(url)
...      root = api.get_root(request)
...      raw_article = api.parse(root)

...      for art in raw_article:
...          article = api.to_dataframe(art)
...          api.export(article, 'results_{}.json'.format(api.__class__.__name__))

The export function, is a function that writes the results to a json file. Here the results of each API are stored to a different file named after which API they come from.